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PIE # 57 - Co nowego w Heliosferze?

(11.12.2010) Romana Ratkiewicz


Badacze Heliosfery i jej otoczenia nie ustaja w wysilkach prowadzacych do nowych eksperymentow kosmicznych. Dzieki temu dysponujemy niezwykle interesujacymi danymi,


PIE # 56 - Wzrost konsumpcji bialka zwierzęcego. Czy dzisiejsza produkcja wystarczy?

(13.11.2010) Wojciech Paszek


In short, no while we need to rely on efficient use of existing resources (i.e. agricultural land) and technology (i.e. genetic improvement and biotechnology). There is not enough animal protein being produced on Earth given rising meat consumption trends especially in developing and less developed countries.


PIE # 55 - Czy media są stronnicze? Co to znaczy stronniczość w mediach?

(23.10.2010) Mariusz Oźminkowski


Very few would argue that there is no bias in the media. However, it seems that we always see bias when we don’t like the news. Is it possible that maybe the news is objective, but we would like to see it differently?


PIE # 54 - Emerging issues in treating infections. How ancient healing methods are becoming the most effective cures in fighting infections?

(18.09.2010) Zofia Czechowicz


Infections are frequent contributors to various health issues throughout our lives. Hospital visits to undergo surgery very often end up with acquiring an infection which complicates the post surgical treatment.


PIE # 53 - Late Poems of Aleksander Wat set to musi

(19.06.2010) Ann Frenkel


"The last PIE presentation in the 2009/2010 season will be "Lumen Obscurum: Aleksander Wat's late poems set to music and performed by Ann Frenkel." Ann will present a musical program for voice and piano which, through the poems, explores the life of the Polish poet Aleksander Wat (1900-1967).


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