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PIE # 56 - Wzrost konsumpcji bialka zwierzęcego. Czy dzisiejsza produkcja wystarczy?

(13.11.2010) Wojciech Paszek


In short, no while we need to rely on efficient use of existing resources (i.e. agricultural land) and technology (i.e. genetic improvement and biotechnology). There is not enough animal protein being produced on Earth given rising meat consumption trends especially in developing and less developed countries.

. Poultry, pork and seafood are main animal proteins experiencing continued rise in consumption while growth of animal and meat production directly depends on grain/nutrients production. Only 3 regions of the World can and will increase yields of key agricultural grains by placement of more land into agricultural production – Brazil, Russia and Ukraine. Other World regions rely more and more on technology – genetic improvement, production efficiency and biotechnology. Key poultry and swine performance trait with more and more economic importance across the World’s production regions is feed efficiency/feed and nutrient conversion with main drivers of less nutrient use for lower production costs and lower carbon footprint. Livestock production becomes more and more sophisticated with greater and greater reliance on use of economic data, requirements of animal/meat processors and consumer trends and perceptions about livestock and food production. Consumer makes food choices. Buy organic or conventionally produced food items ? Make choices based on information or perception ? Lots of factors influence consumer’s food choices and media markets information about food just like about other consumer goods. Time availability limits the volume of product information served to consumers at the given time and situation (TV, newspapers and food markets) while in general, information is available and understanding of the information is equally important. World’s food animal protein production will continue to grow and change during the next years and multiple drivers will influence it. Consumer’s input to animal protein production continues to increase but economic realities of grain/nutrient, energy and technology availability will also influence it with even greater intensity based on shear availability as some World geographies do not have available production capacities. Albert will provide broad view of animal protein production and approaches. Albert will be open to discussion of application of genomic and biotechnology in livestock production.

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