PIE # 73 - Kroniki Absurdu - "Walking on Ice"
(18.11.2012) Maria Piłatowicz
Kroniki Absurdu - "Walking on Ice" - wieczór autorski
Agnes, a young girl from Poland, shares her life with us as she tries to find her place in her family and her country. But the more she learns, the more out of place she becomes. When Comrade Stalin dies, Agnes’s father pushes the limits and is sent to prison for crimes against them. So now Agnes and her mother are alone in the icy waters of an oppressive system run by an unpredictable government. Agnes starts to learn the differences between the truth and lies, but she knows she can never escape as long as they are in charge. In Walking on Ice, Maria Pilatowicz paints a poignant picture of a girl breaking into adolescence while trying to balance on the system’s slippery surface.