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PIE # 87 - 10 rocznica działalności PIE

(15.03.2014) Witold Frączek


10 rocznica działalności klubu PIE.

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PIE # 86 - "Wyprawa na Dach Świata"

(01.03.2014) Maria i Edward Piłatowicz


Wieczór wspomnień z podróży do Tybetu..

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PIE # 85 - Artificial Inteligence: Two Vastly Different Approaches

(01.02.2014) Teodor Przymusińskii


The science and engineering field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) aims to create intelligent machines. Accordingly, it is involved with “machine intelligence” as opposed to “human intelligence”. By historical standards, it is a very young and thus relatively immature area of research. It was founded in 1956 at a Dartmouth College conference by John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell and Herbert Simon, who quickly became the leaders of a rapidly developing and promising field. Their initial expectations were so optimistic that from today’s perspective they appear very naïve: Simon, a future Nobel Prize winner, predicted that within twenty years machines will be capable of doing any work a man can do, while Minsky wrote that within a generation the problem of creating AI will be essentially solved.

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Pie # 84 - "Pi - liczba nie(d)oceniania"

(16.11.2013) Kuba Tatarkiewicz


Prezentacja o tym, dlaczego liczba pi, symbol Klubu Milośników Wiedzy PIE, jest ciekawa, jaka była jej historia na przestrzeni ostatnich trzech tysięcy lat, co dziś warto o niej wiedzieć poza dwiema pierwszymi cyframi rozwinięcia dziesiętnego oraz gdzie jej znajomość może przydać się w codziennym życiu, nie tylko w nauce.

PIE # - 83 - "Analyze this"

(26.10.2013) Richard Kondrat


Is my food and water free from pesticides or pollutants? Is an e-cigarette safer to smoke than a regular one? Did A-Rod really use PED’s? Where’s that foul smell coming from? Who spilled gasoline into the sewage system? To answer such questions requires someone to “Analyze This”.

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